Ways to contact us

Click on the icon on the bottom right of your screen to connect with us on live chat. We'll get back to you as soon as we can Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm. Response times at the weekend may vary. If we're offline, please leave a message and we'll get back to you the next working day.

The Spotty Bag Shop 01261 815623
Bridgeview Restaurant 01261 818942
If you'd like to get in touch over the phone and your query is regarding online sales or online customer service, please call us between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

You can also send us a message through our Facebook page and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Please complete the form below to get in touch, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
If your enquiry is regarding Bridgeview Restaurant and Coffee Shop, please email eat@thespottybagshop.co.uk